From unstructured to structured data with LLMs

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This is a Bauplan reference implementation demonstrating how to transform unstructured data from financial PDFs (SEC 10-Q filings) into structured, analyzable tabular datasets using Large Language Models (LLMs). The pipeline ingests raw PDFs, extracts relevant financial data, and structures it into a final dataset suitable for downstream analysis and visualization.

Use Case

Given a set of financial PDFs from different companies, we aim to convert unstructured information into structured tables that:

  • Reside in object storage alongside the raw files

  • Run without ad hoc infrastructure

  • Are cost-efficient, versioned, and easily replicable

To achieve this, we use a LLM-powered transformation pipeline within Bauplan, which offers:

  • A Python runtime optimized for LLM calls

  • Out-of-the-box DAG abstraction for structuring tabular dependencies

  • Iceberg-backed data persistence, including:

    • Data branching for safe experimentation

    • Time-travel capabilities for reproducibility

    • Transactional guarantees for consistency

The final dataset is explored using a simple Streamlit application that fetches data directly from Bauplan via its Python APIs.

Credits: The financial PDFs used in this example come from the Llama Index SEC 10-Q dataset.


Python Environment

To set up the environment, ensure Python >=3.10 is installed and use a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Bauplan Setup

  1. Join the Bauplan sandbox, sign in, and create your username and API key.

  2. Complete the 3-minute tutorial to familiarize yourself with the platform.

Managing Secrets

The pipeline requires API keys for OpenAI and AWS (if using S3):

bauplan parameter set --name openai_api_key --value your_key --type secret

These secrets are encrypted and stored in bauplan_project.yml for secure access at runtime.

S3 Configuration

Ensure you have write access to the S3 bucket specified in the bucket will be used to storing raw PDF and metadata files. When running DAGs in the Bauplan sandbox, buckets must be publicly readable for successful data import.

Data Flow

The end-to-end use case is managed by the script, which leverages the Bauplan SDK to orchestrate data processing. The workflow consists of the following steps:

  1. Data Ingestion: Local PDF files containing financial data are uploaded to S3 object storage for durability and performance.

  2. Metadata Management: A table in Bauplan stores metadata (S3 locations, company, quarter, etc.), ensuring efficient filtering and access. This step and all subsequent Bauplan operations occur safely within an isolated data branch.

  3. LLM Processing: The pipeline in bpln_pipeline performs:

    • Unstructured-to-structured transformation via an LLM

    • Post-processing in Python to refine extracted data

    • Storage of the final structured table within the same namespace

  4. Production Deployment: If no errors occur, the temporary branch is merged into production, making the result of the pipeline available for further analysis.

  5. Data Visualization: The Streamlit app in app provides a simple web interface to explore the transformed dataset.

Note: The code includes extensive comments for pedagogical purposes. Contact the Bauplan team for further inquiries.

Running the Pipeline

Execute the End-to-End Pipeline

Run the following command to process PDFs and generate a structured dataset:

cd src
python --ingestion-branch your_username.ingestion_branch

Since branches in Bauplan are user-specific, use the user.branch_name pattern for isolation.

Verify Results

Check the generated table:

bauplan branch checkout main
bauplan table get my_pdfs.sec_10_q_analysis

Check out the maximum value for a column:

bauplan query "SELECT MAX(usd) as max_usd FROM my_pdfs.sec_10_q_analysis"

Exploring Results in Streamlit

Launch the visualization app:

cd app
streamlit run

The app will open in your browser, displaying insights from the extracted financial data.


This example demonstrates how Bauplan can:

  • Handle complex data transformations with LLMs

  • Efficiently manage unstructured-to-structured data pipelines

  • Provide safe and reproducible data processing via branching

  • Securely integrate with cloud services

  • Enable rapid prototyping and analysis through Python APIs


The code in this repository is released under the MIT License.