Detached Job Runs


Detached runs are currently in BETA and may not be available in all environments.

In Bauplan you can run jobs in a detached mode. This means that the job will be submitted to the system and the client will return immediately, then the job can be followed up on later.

Detached runs are useful for long running jobs or situations where you cannot ensure constant connectivity between your client and the Bauplan server.

Running in Detached Mode

To run a job in detached mode, use the --detach flag for the run command:

bauplan run --detach

You will see the output of planning the job, then the job will be submitted to the system and the client will return immediately.


The job ID will be printed to the console when the job is submitted.

Checking Job Status

To check the status of a detached job, use the job get subcommand:

$ bauplan job get <YOUR_JOB_ID>
Job ID:         <YOUR_JOB_ID>
Status:         Running
Kind:           CodeSnapshotRun
User:           yourusername
Runner:         bauplan-runner-dev
Created:        23 seconds ago

This will return the status of the job, including whether it is still running or has completed.

You can see the status of recent jobs you have run with the job ls command:

$ bauplan job ls
ID        TYPE             USER          STATUS     CREATED        FINISHED
9f4b6b03  CodeSnapshotRun  yourusername  Completed  3 minutes ago  2 minutes ago
eeef1b40  CodeSnapshotRun  yourusername  Completed  3 minutes ago  2 minutes ago
0dd03881  CodeSnapshotRun  yourusername  Completed  3 minutes ago  2 minutes ago
72d0703e  CodeSnapshotRun  yourusername  Aborted    2 hours ago    2 hours ago
1d0205ef  CodeSnapshotRun  yourusername  Aborted    2 hours ago    2 hours ago

This will retrieve the last 24 hours of jobs.


In job ls you will see all jobs you have requested on the Bauplan system, but only run is currently supported to be submitted in detached mode.

Retrieving Job Output

To retrieve the output of a detached job, use the job logs subcommand:

$ bauplan job logs <YOUR_JOB_ID>
This is the 0th time I'm very sleepy, and I've become exceedingly efficient at it
This is the 1th time I'm very sleepy, and I've become exceedingly efficient at it
This is the 2th time I'm very sleepy, and I've become exceedingly efficient at it

This will return the logs of the job, including any output or errors that were generated. Logs are persisted for 24 hours as a way to troubleshoot jobs, after which they are deleted.

Cancel a Job

To cancel a job that is running, use the job stop subcommand:

$ bauplan job stop <YOUR_JOB_ID>
Job <YOUR_JOB_ID> stopped

If the stop was successful, you will see the job status will change to Aborted.

Using the Python SDK

You can also run jobs in detached mode using the Bauplan Python SDK. Below is an example of how to do this:

import os
import time
import bauplan
from bauplan.schema import JobState

def run_detached_job_and_poll() -> None:
    client = bauplan.Client()
    run_state =

    job_id = run_state.job_id
    print(f'Job submitted in detach mode with ID={job_id}')

    max_retries = 10
    retry_count = 0

    while retry_count < max_retries:
        job = client.get_job(job_id)
        print(f'Polling job={}, state={job.status}')
        if job.status in (JobState.COMPLETE, JobState.FAIL, JobState.ABORT):
            print(f'Job finished with state={job.status}')
        retry_count += 1
        raise TimeoutError(f'Job polling exceeded {max_retries} retries')

    logs = client.get_job_logs(job_id)
    for log_line in logs:
        print(f'[{}] {log_line.message}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

This script demonstrates how to submit a job in detached mode, poll for its status, and retrieve its logs using the Bauplan Python SDK.