bauplan.state module

class bauplan.state.ApplyPlanState(job_id: str)

Bases: object

ApplyPlanState tracks information about what happened during the course of an “apply import plan” job that executes the plan to import a table from cloud storage to your Bauplan data catalog.

It represents the state of the job, including job ID, job status (failure/success), error description (if any), and a list of events describing each step of the job.

error: str | None = None
job_id: str
job_status: str | None = None
runner_events: List[RunnerEvent] | None
class bauplan.state.PlanImportState(job_id: str)

Bases: object

PlanImportState tracks information about what happened during the course of an “plan import” job that plans a job to import a table from cloud storage to your Bauplan data catalog.

It represents the state of the job, including job ID, job status (failure/success), error description (if any), and a list of events describing each step of the job.

It also includes the output of the job: a string containing the YAML of the import plan.

error: str | None = None
job_id: str
job_status: str | None = None
plan: Dict | None = None
runner_events: List[RunnerEvent] | None
class bauplan.state.RunState(job_id: str, project_dir: str)

Bases: object

RunState tracks information about what happened during the course of a Bauplan job run (executed DAG).

It represents the state of a run, including job ID, task lifecycle events, user logs, task start and stop times, failed nonfatal task descriptions, project directory, job status, and failed fatal task description.

failed_fatal_task_description: str | None
failed_nonfatal_task_descriptions: Dict[str, bool]
job_id: str
job_status: str | None
project_dir: str
runner_events: List[RunnerEvent]
runtime_logs: List[RuntimeLogEvent]
tasks_started: Dict[str, datetime]
tasks_stopped: Dict[str, datetime]